What is Lean?
Born out of manufacturing in the early 20th Century and popularized by Toyota’s “Toyota Production System”, Lean seeks to deliver customer value in the most efficient ways possible by eliminating waste (non-value add activities) from production systems and harnessing the idea of “Kaizen” (continuous improvement) throughout the organization. Rooting out “non-value add” activities is fundamental , as they do not give value to the customer and create waste, leading to inefficiencies and increased production costs. The principles of Lean can be found in businesses throughout the world, including manufacturing, IT, and service.
As a Lean Practitioner and Coach of many years, I realized that the concepts of Lean applied not only to occupations but to life as well. Determining customer value (personal meaning), eliminating waste (distractions), and fostering Kaizen (continuous learning) are at the heart of “Lean Your Life” and have fostered my own lifetime of growth. Now, I want to share these learnings with the rest of the world.
I encourage you to learn more about Lean through the links below!
What is Lean? Lean Manufacturing & Lean Enterprise | ASQ
Lean Manufacturing Made Toyota Successful